Albion Online Guide

New All-Time high!

On March 20, following a successful Closed Beta and Early Access phase, Albion Online unveiled its newest server, Albion East, to players all around the globe. On that very day, the game’s active user count skyrocketed to an impressive 277,000 players, setting a new all-time record. Barely a week later, on April 2, this record was shattered as the servers hosted a combined total of over 300,000 active users!

Player record (For the sake of clarity, “users” in this context refers to active accounts.)

During these groundbreaking moments, the number of active Steam users reached unprecedented heights, with a new all-time peak of 25,833 concurrent players on Steam alone. This figure represents just a small portion of the overall player base of Albion Online.

The previous record, set in June 2021 at 271,000 daily active users, came after the game’s official mobile launch. The recent success of Albion East, however, reached this milestone without the introduction of a new platform, showcasing the strength and potential of the game’s two-server system.

Final Call for Founder Packs

Whether you play on Albion East, Albion West, or both servers, you can claim rewards from Albion East Founder Packs on your preferred server. Founder Vanity Items will be unlocked on both servers. But act quickly, as sales of Albion East Founder Packs will come to an end on April 30 at 10:00 UTC. Don’t miss out on these valuable vanity and furniture items, which will never be available for purchase again. To learn more or secure your Pack, click here