Albion Online Guide

Focus Points are one of the most valuable and scarce resources available. There is only one way to earn them and two ways to use them.

How to earn Focus Points in Albion Online?

How to earn Focus Points in Albion Online?

Once you activate a Premium subscription, your account will be credited with 10,000 Points daily until it reaches a maximum of 30,000 Points. Therefore, it’s essential to spend your Focus points regularly to prevent any overflow from being forfeited!

Indeed, this mechanism imposes a cap on the quantity of focus points you can accrue, with no alternate avenues to gain more. Hence, it’s critical to utilize them wisely and profitably, ensuring the most beneficial use of every point!

How to use Focus Points in Albion Online?

How to use Focus Points in Albion Online?

When it comes to spending your Focus Points, there are two different areas you can use them in. Crafting & Refining or Farming.

The use of Focus Points in Crafting or Refining

Utilizing Focus Points during crafting or refining boosts the rate of material return, as well as amplifies the probability of generating superior-quality items. For example, refining stone in Fort Sterling ordinarily offers a 15% material return rate. However, when you apply Focus, this shoots up to a whopping 44%! This usage nearly triples the resources recovered from crafting.

Keep in mind, the more specialized you become in crafting a particular item, the less Focus required to create it! This translates to higher-level crafters achieving significantly greater resource returns on a daily basis.

Resource Return Rates for Crafting

The Resource Return Rate depends on the location where you use the Focus Points.

Zone Without Focus With Focus
Royal City with Bonus 24.8% 47.9%
Royal City 15.2% 43.5%
Royal Island with Bonus 13% 42.5%
Royal Island 0% 37.1%
Black Zone Hideout 25% 48%

The use of Focus Points in Farming

In farming, Focus can be deployed to either care for animals (resulting in an increased percentage of offspring yield) or to irrigate crops (leading to an elevated yield of seeds and earthworms). Without a doubt, a farmer devoid of Focus is likely to struggle financially!

Resource Return Rates for Farming

The Resource Return Rate depends on the location where you use the Focus Points.

Zone Without Focus With Focus
Royal City with Bonus 36.7% 53.9%
Royal City 15.2% 43.5%
Royal Island with Bonus 28.5% 49.7%
Royal Island 0% 37.1%
Black Zone Hideout 20% 46%

Why are Focus Points so Important?

Why are Focus Points so Important?

The answer to this is simple! Profitable crafting is nearly impossible without Focus! You must use Focus Points to earn money with Crafting, Refining, or Farming.

The resource return from using focus during the crafting process is what typically makes it a profitable endeavor. Without focus, the cost of crafting items usually surpasses the value of the finished product. However, when focus is utilized, the potential for significant silver earnings arises.

Similarly, in the sphere of farming, ensuring a robust seed return is vital to maintain profitability. The necessity to repurchase seeds is a cost that can significantly dent profits, or increase the expense of farming essential resources. Therefore, a prudent farmer always makes good use of Focus Points.

Can you sell Focus Points?

Can you sell Focus Points?

While it’s not possible to directly sell Focus Points as they’re tied to your account and there’s no existing in-game mechanism for selling them, there’s a workaround.

You might find a deal with another player who provides you with materials. You would then craft an item for them using your Focus Points, and they would compensate you for this service.

Can you buy Focus Points?

Can you buy Focus Points?

Besides buying the Premium subscription and earning 10'000 Focus Points a day, there is no other way to buy Focus Points in Albion Online for your Character.

You can make a deal with another player in the same way as with selling Focus Points . Or you can create some additional characters (and buy a Premium subscription for them) to earn additional Focus Points.

But remember that you need to spec up your Crafting, Refining, or Farming to use them efficiently!